Sunday, June 17, 2007


I am needing some help with naming my guitars. I know i want to have my name in there some where. Previously I thought of calling myself Meyer Modern Lutherie. I'll probably stick to that, but just go by Meyer for short.

I also need a model name for my guitars. I plan on making other designs in the future, so I need to distinguish these. I would like to have something that says Minneapolis, or Minnesota. I've thought about calling the design the Hennepin. Another idea i had was to call them the Peregrine. After all Minneapolis has falcons, and some nest near my apartment. They are sleek, and in a way resemble my guitars out line.

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Anonymous said...

your work is wonderful. I'm setting out to build a telecaster (that's how I came across your blog). Great work. Keep it coming.

Anonymous said...

I've thought long and hard about this one. I think I may have just struck on something great for your new model. Try this one on for size......The irregardless........

Glad to help out.