Saturday, April 21, 2007

Dummy body

I have my plywood cut out in my body designs profile. I'll be using a router to duplicate my template for the profile, and hopefully that will nicely refined, and won't need a lot of sanding to smooth out the edges.

Since my bodies will be a layered design, I am routing out two separate pieces of plywood, spray painting them, then gluing them together. The back will be black, and the top will probably be white. This way i can better imagine the contrast of different wood species. You'll get the idea when I have it done.

This dummy body will have all routes, and contours done to it. I want to make sure everything is how I envision it. I will put in pots and knobs, mount the bridge, even strap buttons so i can hang it on my shoulder. This way, if something doesn't seem right, i can change it before good wood is ever cut.

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