Sunday, January 28, 2007


My fingerboards came in this week. I ordered 2 Honduran Rosewood, and 2 West African Ebony from Luthier's Mercantile. They come unslotted, so I had to do that myself. My boss has a table saw jig for doing this. In the pictures you first see me thickness sanding the fingerboards, then slotting them on the table saw, and finally the slotted board still attached to the slotting template.

My inlay material should be in early this week.


Anonymous said...

Remember the woodshop teacher on the movie UHF that cut his thumb off? It's not the highlight of the movie but nontheless I thought it worth noting. The highlight would have to be the famous sandwich in which you slice a twinkie lengthwise, add a raw frank, and drizzle with easy cheese. Sometimes I’m tempted to ramp the drizzle up to a smother, but am afraid it might through the whole ratio off.
Anyhow, it’s nice to see you are practicing good shop safety. Everything looks great.

Anonymous said...

Looks great Willie. Cheers to the person/s who developed that jig.