Friday, September 28, 2007


Resawing wood is to take a piece of wood, and bookmatch it. You cut it, and open it like a book, to have a mirror image of figure on both sides of the joint. My boss set up his bandsaw with the resaw modification last night. The blade is much deeper than a normal bandsaw blade, but thin (0.025") so the kerf of the blade wastes as little wood as possible. I have a couple pictures of me cutting my walnut body cores, and maple body caps. In the second picture, you can see me holding up some of the maple, and the effect of bookmatching with the squigly lines created in the curly maple.

So now I have my pick up making underway, and my bodies started. A lot will be happening all at once. I'll try to make sure i keep things up to date here, but I am going to be doing many longs nights for a while.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Long awaited update.

I have hit a spot with my project that is taking a lot longer than expected. I was planning on gluing headplates to the back of my guitars pegheads. However, the ebony I chose, even though it is about 1/16" thick, is very hard to bend. There is a slight curv that i need to get this ebony to match, and it's taking forever for the wood to cooperate.

You can see how i made a clamping caul for pressingthe ebony to the back side of the peghead in this picture. It's followed up by Dottie distracting me.

Other good news is that I finally got a pick up winder. I have also ordered a Telecaster pickup kit, and will build them up by hand for practice. My project guitars will have hand made pick ups in them, so this is a for practice thing. The last pictures are of me assembling the pickups. I will post some pictures of me winding them, and installing them into my telecaster soon.

Un-related to Guitar Building

I live about 3 blocks from the 35W bridge collapse. Here are some pictures I took the day it happened, and then some more from the 10th Avenue bridge a few days ago.