I have hit a spot with my project that is taking a lot longer than expected. I was planning on gluing headplates to the back of my guitars pegheads. However, the ebony I chose, even though it is about 1/16" thick, is very hard to bend. There is a slight curv that i need to get this ebony to match, and it's taking forever for the wood to cooperate.
You can see how i made a clamping caul for pressingthe ebony to the back side of the peghead in this picture. It's followed up by Dottie distracting me.

Other good news is that I finally got a pick up winder. I have also ordered a Telecaster pickup kit, and will build them up by hand for practice. My project guitars will have hand made pick ups in them, so this is a for practice thing. The last pictures are of me assembling the pickups. I will post some pictures of me winding them, and installing them into my telecaster soon.