Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Auto body filler.

I have reached the point where i am going to start carving out my necks. To make sure that I duplicate each neck exactly, I made some carving cauls. What I did was to cut out some plywood, a little over sized.

Once I had those cut out, I used some auto body filler to make a true template of my neck. I coated the inside of the caul, and pressed it onto various parts of my telecaster neck, that i taped up to prevent the filler from bonding to my neck. After allowing the filler to cure, I was able to pry it off, and have my perfect tracing of my tele neck.

The other thing I have been working on, is putting my inlays into my finger boards. This is very time consuming, but will be worth it when all is done.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Clamped up Not much of an update. I have glued on all of my fingerboards. The picture below is of two necks clamped up. So from here I need to start carving them out. Due to my design, I can't use my bosses duplicator. So alot of this will be completely by hand, with assistance from the beltsander. There isn't much to see right now, but I'll keep poisting any pictures.

For those of you who have not see it, the video clip is of the band Valet. Robin Kyle (the singer) is playing my telecaster.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Cutting out my necks

I started cutting out my necks. In the pictures you can see the outline of each neck on the squared up blocks of wood, and how I was able to get two necks out of each block. They are sort of head to heel. In the other pictures, you see how i cut out the pegheads. I had to "dog-ear" each peghead, to make them wide enough to get the full shape. This is common practice. It saves me on having to find a piece of wood that is a half inch thicker. In turn, saving a lot of wood.

Next up I will be radius-ing, and gluing on my fingerboards.